The Self Love Challenge 13

This morning I woke to a twitter notification informing me I had been nominated by Yana from TimeWithYana to do the Self Love Challenge 13, originally started by Alexandra from Alexandra's Paradise. If you're a long time reader of my blog (or recently stalked my past posts, I don't judge), you would know I think self confidence and love is one of the most important yet difficult things in life. So if I can help any of you, and myself, to feel a little more comfortable in your own skin, then I will.
What I find really important about this challenge is that it shows people that its okay to say that you like things about yourself. In todays society I find loving yourself is frowned upon because you're seen as being vain or 'up-yourself'. But in my opinion, you cannot be too confident, as long as you show respect for others as well as yourself.
If you would like to take part in this challenge, whether you have a blog or not, feel free to. The rules are simply to:

Write 13 things you love about yourself
Nominate 13 more bloggers or vloggers
Share on social media with the hashtag #TheSelfLoveChallenge13

So here are the 13 things I love about myself:

1. My earrings. I have three lobe piercing and I love the look of them like crazy! Hopefully I can get more when I'm older.

2. My fingers and fingernails. I, due to genetics, have very thin, dainty fingers and a natural french manicure. Although its hell to find rings or to paint them, I wouldn't change them for the world.

3. I love how I've managed to build and create Francesca Rose all by myself. I went from loving to read blogs to create one I, myself love to read and write.

4. I love that I managed to lose weight. As cliche as it sounds, I really think my life would be incredibly different if I hadn't and I'm proud that I managed to achieve my goal.

5. I love that I can get by on my own. I like to do things by myself so I get a real sense of achievement.

6. I love that I'm good at what I like. I get told I'm naturally quite good at guitar, sailing and writing. All three are things I have a real passion for and I love it.

7. I love that I don't think differently of people because of their appearance. I've never understood the need some people have to put others down because of their appearance. I'm much more of a personality lover.

8. My hair, it's curly, relatively heathy, long and soft and I would never change it.

9. My ability to talk to people. Although I have struggled with anxiety, I've always found it easy(ish) to get along with new people.

10. My non-competitive-ness. Don't get me wrong, I love to win at things, but I'm never a sore loser.

11. My creativity. From a young age I've loved to make things out of junk, this lead me to make the best of what I've got and be resourceful.

12. My eye colour. I know most people included this on their list. But I love having green eyes as not many people have them and they can be really bold in the right outfit and makeup look.

13. My name. Although most people spell it wrong, I love people calling me Francesca.

I nominate:


I really hope you found it interesting reading this and learning about The Self Love Challenge 13. You don't have to be a blogger to write this, you can just write it down with a good ol' pen and paper.

Francesca Rose x


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