How I'm Finding Sixth Form So Far...

I've finally successfully finished my first term at my new Sixth Form and A-Levels. It may have felt like two (possibly three) but, nevertheless, it was only one. It has been the most nerve wrecking, sociable, awkward and overwhelming experience of life.

First, let me give you a bit of background; I'm taking Maths, Chemistry and German, all of which I love even though the work load can be crushing. I'm also attending a school where everyone is new to one another, this is both scary and reassuring. But the best bit is that it's right in the city centre meaning SHOPPING IN MY FREES! WOOO!
To go along with this post, I have also made a video as I find I can ramble and explain things a bit more clearly. You can find it on my YouTube Channel which I'll link here.

So, how's college life? Well, it's no where near as bad as I thought it would be. The people there just simply don't have as much of a negative effect and there's way less drama (which is great but who doesn't love a good bit of gossip?). I've made a good group of mates and there are lots of trips planned in the future which will hopefully lead to this circle expanding. I am loving the independence as I feel I am much more of an independent learner which is so important for the subjects I'm taking. Speaking of such...

For those of you deciding which courses to take when going into Sixth Form/College and considering a language, chose carefully! A-Level Foreign Languages are not for the faint of heart, you need real dedication and motivation to do well. The first 2 or so weeks are incredibly tough, especially as in GCSE you don't need to know any grammar whatsoever. Cases, genders and word order are crammed in to the first couple of lessons which can feel extremely overwhelming, but alas, this does pass and when it does it will be your favourite subject. As it is for any subject, further independent study is vital for success so create your Quizlet and Memrise account well in advance.
Grade-wise I think I'm doing pretty darn well! I've just received my first speaking assessment back and I was one mark off an A (this just sounds a bit better than saying 'B')! Also, in my latest essay I received an A(!) and for my own personal progress I've just started reading a couple of plays and novels to prepare myself for the literature side of the course and I'm not finding it too bad!
Being able to speak another language truly is the most amazing feeling.

Onto Maths, possibly the course I am enjoying the most. This is also the only subject where I have exams this year but I am not too fussed at all. I've been getting As in past papers (as you would know if you follow my Twitter) and I'm feeling pretty confident. Or maybe I was just so nervous to start the course, thinking it would be the worst decision of my life and maybe I just over thought it a little bit.

Mmmm, Chemistry... This is the subject I was most scared for as many family members tried to put me off it. Yet I stuck to my decision and I'm really enjoying it. I've spent the last holiday brushing up on all the topics I'm a bit dusty on and redoing tests and homework. The main thing that has motivated me to revise for Chemistry is my new Pinterest board. It is just filled with pretty pictures of pretty revision notes and it is sooo asthetically pleasing! I'd definitely hit it up if you're in desperate need.

Looking back on this, I've realised that actually my school life is doing pretty well, however this may have come at the cost of many other aspects of my life, something we can talk about another time. Or maybe the festivities have just made me overly optimistic.

So there's my update - which I realise a lot of you wont care about too much and really this is more for my personal needs, but I hope you still found it interesting and not too much of a bore.
How are you finding school? Would you like any advise, revision styled posts or videos? Let me know :)

ps. I was lucky enough to receive some real beauties this Christmas, so keep your eye out!


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